
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Runner's High

   Sweat drips down your neck, the stomach clenches with each breath you take, your legs bend and buckle. Pain. Everything hurts. You want to give up but you push forward. You have to finish the last stretch. Then as if the sky opens up you find your self rejuvenated, you are still running but excitement runs through your veins. The mysterious runner's high, except it isn't actually mysterious, there is a lot going on with your body. However, this not a blog about the human body so we will skip that. I am experiencing my own kind of running high.
    Not the fit and active one, I wish I could say I was experiencing that. Instead I have had a revival kind of week. With 17 credit hours at my university, looming deadlines, sleepless baby, and a series of unfortunate lateness I had found myself breaking down mentally. This mental pressure could be felt in my legs, back, arms, and even the tips of my hair. My entire being was weighed down and then like magic I found communication as my strength. 
     Sometimes I get so caught up in life I forget that people can help. People can lift the burden and that is exactly what happened and suddenly I could see all the good things that were happening. This week, the one I predicted would be from hell had turned into a fantastic week. Homework turned in, deadlines hit, and here I am with just enough time to write a little blog. 
     Stress is heavy, but not to heavy for a helping hand. 

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